Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Are You Prepared?

At All Things New Roofing & Restoration we are greatly invested in the Front Range community. We live here, we work here & we play here. We would like to pass on this information to you as a community service. As a lover of nature and a homeowner in a rural mountain area, we understand the joy and beauty that the environment brings. We also are brought to the very harsh realization that wildfires are a real danger.

After a major wild fire some homes DO survive while many others do not. The ones that do survive are usually because the owners prepared for the high possibility of a fire. If its predictable it is preventable!

While designing your home and landscape keep fire safety in mind. Use fire resistant materials for the roof and exterior of your home or treat wood and flammable materials used in roofs, siding, decking, and trim with a nationally recognized and approved fire retardant chemical. Create a landscape with fire-resistant trees and shrubs (keep in mind that fire-resistant doesn't mean fireproof). Even fire-resistant plants will burn if they arn't maintained. Keep in mind when planting trees, hardwood trees like oaks and most ashes are less flammable then pine, evergreen, eucalyptus and fir trees. Sometimes homeowners will use bark mulch in their landscaping for decoration, however dry bark mulch is very flammable and easily ignited. Instead consider using gravel or decorative rock. For further assistance in selecting fire resistant plants and trees check out this insightful publication.

Create a 30 to 100-foot Safety Zone

Inside this safety zone you should take steps to reduce the potential exposure to flames and radiant heat from possible wildfires. If you live in a pine forest you should have a minimum 100-foot safety zone.

  • Mow grass regularly
  • Rake leaves, twigs and dead limbs. 
  • Remove all flammable vegetation.
  • Remove leaves and rubbish from under structures.
  • Remove vines from the outside structure of home.
  • Thin a 15-foot space between tree crowns & remove limbs between 15 feet of the ground.
  • Remove dead branches that extend over the roof.
  • Prune tree branches within 15 feet of stove pipes or chimney outlets.
  • Ask the power company to clear branches from power lines.
  • Clear a 10-foot area around propane tanks and barbecue grills.
  • Place ashes from stoves, fireplaces & grills in a metal bucket and soak in water for 2 days then bury the cold ashes in mineral soil.
  • Stack firewood 100 feet away and uphill from your home.

Protect Your Home

There are also precautions you can take directly in and around your home to prepare for the possibility of a fire.

  • Make sure that fire vehicles can get to your home. Clearly mark all entrances and display your address and name.
  • Post all fire emergency telephone numbers.
  • Regularly clean roof and gutters
  • Inspect chimneys at least twice a year and clean them at least once a year.
  • Install smoke alarms on each level of your home especially near bedrooms. Test them monthly and replace batteries as needed or at least once a year.
  • Teach everyone in your family how to use a fire extinguisher and show them where it is kept.
  • Keep a ladder that will reach the roof.
  • Have a garden hose that is long enough to reach every area of your home and all structures on the property.

When a Wildfire Threatens

Wildfires usually begin unnoticed but can spread fast and every second counts. If you are warned of a wildfire in your area listen intently to all reports for possible evacuations. Before mandatory evacuation be ready.

  • Be ready to leave at a moments notice. Back car into garage facing nearest exit.
  • Confine all pets into one room so you can easily find them if you need to evacuate quickly.
  • Make arrangements for temporary accommodations at a friends or family's house.
  • Listen and watch for air quality reports and health warnings about smoke.
  • Keep indoor air clean by closing windows and doors 
  • Wear protective clothing (ie: durable shoes, cotton clothing, long sleeves, pants and a handkerchief to protect your face and breathing)
  • Take your disaster supply kit 
Disaster Supply Kit Checklist

  • Water—one gallon per person, per day (3-day supply)
  • Food—non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items (3-day supply)
  • Flashlight
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)
  • Extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Medications (7-day supply) and medical items
  • Multi-purpose tool
  • Sanitation and personal hygiene items
  • Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, deed/lease to home, birth certificates, insurance policies)
  • Cell phone with chargers
  • Family and emergency contact information
  • Extra cash
  • Emergency blanket
  • Map(s) of the area
  • Other essential items that could not be replaced if they were destroyed
  • Lock your home
  • Tell someone when you left and where you are going
  • Choose a route away from fire hazards. Watch for changes in the speed and direction of the fire and smoke

Let those who care about you know you are safe
If your community has gone through a disaster, register on the American Red Cross Safe and Well website to let your family and friends know you are safe. You can also register by calling 1866- GET-INFO.

Get the App
Be ready for wildfires with the official
Red Cross wildfire app on your

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Is there such a thing as a free roof ?!?

Once upon a time in a not so far away land 
a storm rolled in like an angry metal band. 
Lightning struck, thunder pounded, rain poured from the sky 
Hail beat the rooftops of the quiet little homes nearby 
As the storm began to pass 
a quiet calm fell upon the grass 
My roof began to drip & drop to the beat of my clock
When suddenly an unexpected "knock, knock, knock" 
All Things New with a hammer in his belt
evaluated all of the damage my home had been dealt. 
"Your home has been abused by the storm that has passed, 
Let us help you fix your home free & fast" 
FREE you say?
How about now! How about today!
Everything was completed right on track
Thank you All Things New for helping me get my home back!


   Before the huge storm in June 2012 home owners were amazed when roofing contractors approached them and were able to offer them a "FREE" roof. They were able to do this by offering incentives and waiving or rebating the insurance deductible.

   However on June 6, 2012 the Colorado legislature reached a turning point passing new residential roofing laws (C.R.S. 6-22-101 thru 6-22-105).  Along with requiring the contractor to provide a written contract to the property owner (which we have always done) and allowing the home owner to rescind the contract within 72 hours of receiving it (which we do), roofing contractors are no longer allowed to advertise or promise to pay the property owners deductible. This is now INSURANCE FRAUD & ILLEGAL!

   We have made a promise to abide by the letter of the law in order to fully protect you, the home-owner, and keep our integrity. You may still run into companies willing to offer you an incentive or no cost for a new roof, but this is illegal and all licensed roofing contractors in the Colorado area have been informed of this change. If they are willing to knowingly violate these laws put in place to protect you what else may they be willing to ignore for your safety.

 “Trust starts with truth and ends with truth.” 
---Santash Kalwar

Copyright 2012 All Things New Roofing & Restoration                     Can NOT be copied without permission

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

If April Showers Bring May Flowers What Does June's Hail bring for July?

June's Colossal Hail Brings July's Roofs That Fail! 

    June 6th began what most Coloradans would say was a freak of nature! Colorado was covered in torrential rains that were followed by massive hail storms and even the rare sightings of tornadoes. In some areas there were reports of golf ball to baseball sized hail! The hail fell so heavily it piled up like snow. We can definitely call that winter in June. The storms severity caused flooding, erosions, closed streets, stranded vehicles, and did major damage to homes.

If you live in or around the Colorado Springs area it is very likely that your home received some sort of damage. You may not even be aware of the extent that your property has been affected. Hail damage on a home can cause present & future problems that are not necessary. Most hail damage isn't visible from the ground and requires a close inspection to determine the results. If you suspect any damage it is recommended that you have a professional take a closer look. If you live in the affected area it is also likely that you have been approached by one or more restoration companies. All Things New Roofing and Restoration stands out above the rest:

  1. We asses, estimate and repair ALL damage! Not just the roof; we service the interior and the exterior. From the roof to the gutters to the  windows to any damage done to the inside of your home.
  2. We are locally owned and operated. We are here to stay
  3. We are committed and available to you through out the entire process, day and night. We will provide quality control and continual site inspections by a project manager.
  4. We will be the liaison between you and your home insurance agency. We have expertise and experience in insurance adjusting and residential claims processing of damaged homes.
  5. We maintain a BBB Rating of A+
  6. We cover our work with a 5 year written warranty on all labor along with the roof material manufacturer's warranty of 30 years.


Call us Today for a FREE 

No Obligation Roof Inspection
(719) 325-6949

"Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them?"-Rose Kennedy

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Keeping Out the Cold

Autumn is undoubtedly my favorite season. The colors, the smells, crackling of the fireplacethe anticipation and preparation for the holidays... I can go on and on. During these amazingly beautiful days nothing is worse then sitting in the warmth of your comfy home when you feel a draft creep through your door...
According to the U.S. Department of Energy heating accounts for the biggest chunk of a  typical utility bill! So in addition to checking, and if necessary, fixing your weather stripping I present to you a project to help solve this unpleasant problem. 

While trying to find a quick and cost effective fix to the uncomfortable drafts in my own home I came across these awesome DIY draft blockers on the Family Fun website! Not only are they practical but they're charming and add a creative touch to any room. Upon researching this project I came to the conclusion that there are various ways to construct these frugal little guys. I want to share with you my personal favorites. I chose these because they are fun and seem to have the simplest directions with the most accessible materials.

  • 1 pair striped women's tights
  • Uncooked rice (takes about a full 5-pound bag), uncooked beans, flax seed, recycled newspaper, or unused cat litter
  • Needle and thread
  • Fabric glue
  • Felt
  • Googly eyes
  • Scissors

  • 1 pair women's tights
  • Uncooked rice, uncooked beans, flax seed, recycled newspaper, or unused cat litter
  • Needle and thread
  • Fabric glue
  • Felt
  • Googly eyes
  • Scissors
  • Paper clips
  • Button
  • Old belt or bracelet
  1. Heat-Saving Snake Step 1HEAT-SAVING SNAKE: Cut off one leg from a pair of striped women's tights and fill it with rice (ours took a full 5-pound bag). An easy, spillproof method is to use a plastic cup with the bottom cut out for a funnel.
  2. Heat-Saving Snake - Step 2 Pinch the open end of the leg into itself to form a tapered snake tail and stitch it closed.
  3. Glue on googly eyes. Lastly, sew on a felt tongue, using the same technique described for attaching the dog's ears (see step 7 for Doggy in the Window, below).

  4. Doggy in the Window Step 4DOGGY IN THE WINDOW: Cut one leg from a pair of women's tights and fill it with rice. Leave enough room to tie the open end into a tight knot.
  5. Doggy in the Window Step 5 For a tail, apply fabric glue across the base of a felt triangle (ours was about 2 1/2 inches wide and 7 inches tall) and sandwich it around the knot.
  6. Doggy in the Window Step 6 Apply more glue to the sides and then fold the felt in half. Secure the tail with paper clips until the glue dries.
  7. Doggy in the Window Step 7 Glue on googly eyes. Attach felt ears by draping each one over the head, as shown, and then sewing the base in place. This way, when you flop the ear down, the stitching won't show.
  8. For the finishing touches, sew on felt feet and a button nose (we used a triangular shank button). Then use your hands to shape the nose and body. Don't forget a collar: an old belt trimmed to fit, or even a bracelet.

    I did find that quite a few people opted to use fabric, instead of women's tights, 
    and sew there own tube to customize the size to their homes doors and windows. This  maybe better for you especially if you have extra fabric lying around or want your 
    draft blocker to match your homes decor.

    “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”
    - William Arthur Ward

    Hope this helps,
    Monica McCaslin 
    All Things New Roofing & Restoration

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Get your mind in the gutter...

Gutters are used to direct water from your roof. 
Water left standing on your roof can lead to damage and leaks into your home’s interior. Having a good working gutter system will help prolong the life and structure of your home by keeping water and other damaging debris away from areas that they may harm.

Gutter Cleaning Can Be Performed In 3 Ways
1. Hand Scoop Method
2. Leaf Blower Method
3. Pressure Cleaning Method

Hand Scoop Method
Gain access to the gutter using the appropriate sized ladder. Don't lean the ladder against a downspout or gutter, which can easily bend or break.
Remove debris with hand, large spoon or garden trowel scooping into:
a) garbage bag
b) a bucket 
c) throw debris to ground below. 
Choose the best debris collection method based on your roof and surrounding area.

If you choose to use the garbage bag method I prefer filling several small plastic bags rather than a few large ones... This will help minimize fall hazards due to the lesser weight of the filled smaller bag.

The safest way to get gutter debris down a ladder is simply to drop it to the ground after each hand scoop. This will make a mess of the area below but, in my experience, is the safest method.

Leaf Blower Method
You also can use a leaf blower to clean gutters; however remember that you'll be high up & often in uncomfortable positions. Carrying a good-sized machine is not only awkward but may blind you with dust. Although this is a quicker method it is not the safest or the cleanest. 

Pressure Cleaning Method
If you are already pressure washing the roof, use the 'Pressure Washing' method because you'll need to be continuously spraying out gutter as roof moss and other organic material fills gutters. You literally just high pressure spray the gutter clean while standing on the roof. This method requires the use of a fall arrest system, i.e.. (Rope, lanyard, rope grap, carabiners and harness).
It's important to realize pressure washers can make a HUGE mess... Especially when spraying out a clogged gutter system!

Unclogging Downspouts
Clogged downspouts can also present a problem. Check that the downspouts aren't clogged: lightly tap on the downspout with your hand until you hear a noticeable higher frequency. This is how to locate the clogs. An empty or hollow downspout, will have a lower pitch than a clogged downspout. Use water to unclog your downspouts by placing a garden hose in the opening. Be gentle; downspouts aren't designed to withstand the same pressure as a house drain. If it does not clear with the hose use a small plumbers snake or an unbent clothes hanger. Again be gentle. If you are unable to reach the clog and have located it  you can lightly tap until debris loosens and flushes out bottom of downspout. Remember, if you've filled the downspout with water from above, when the debris loosens it will flush...

 If this all seems a little overwhelming to you 
or if you feel unsafe you can ALWAYS call 
All Things New Roofing & Restoration 
@ (719)325-6949 
for a quote.

I am thankful for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home....  ~Nancie J. Carmody

Friday, October 14, 2011

Dont let your house "Fall" apart

Buying a house is huge accomplishment and an expensive investment, but you must maintain it to keep its worth. Upkeep can become tedious and time consuming if left unattended for long periods of time. However if you have an ongoing maintenance plan you will not only avoid the long overwhelming jobs, but also prevent a lot of unnecessary damage to your home. In today's blog we will provide you with a Fall Home Maintenance list to help get you started. Keep in mind that every home is different and may not need all of the listed to do's.

Fall Maintenance Checklist
Outdoor Maintenance
  • Call us for your FREE/no obligation roof inspection to ensure that there is no damage done to your roof. All Things New Roofing & Restoration (719)325-6949
  • Check the weather-stripping around your doors and replace if necessary.
  • Clean gutters & downspouts. Check for proper slopes 
  • Wash/clean all windows. Replace window screens and insulation if necessary.
  • Clear all debris from roof. Cut back any trees or shrubs that may be touching the roof or exterior of your home. This should be done regularly during the growing season as well.
  • Once your lawn and garden stops growing run all of your gas-powered lawn equipment until the fuel tank is empty. By doing this, you are preventing flammable liquid from being stored in your garage and protecting the equipment from damage.
  • Clean and cover all of your patio furniture. Pack your patio furniture cushions and pillows plus your decorative items into your deck box or your garden shed.
  • Pressure wash your deck, patio and/or outdoor recreation area.
In the blogs to come we will break down some of the Outdoor Maintenance with tips and pointers to help you accomplish each objective with ease.

Indoor Maintenance

  • Test smoke and fire alarms, replacing batteries and cleaning dust from the covers.
  • Check and/or replace your fire extinguishers.
  • Clean and vacuum heating ducts, grills and registers.  You may also want to clean any ceiling fans that were used during warmer months.
  • Clean/vacuum refrigerator coils and area behind refrigerator.
  • Check your fireplace damper for soot buildup, and have a certified chimney sweep inspect/clean the flues of your chimney.  Make sure to remove bird nests from chimney flues, as any type of blockage or buildup can pose a fire hazard.
  • Have a heating professional check your heating system.  Furnace and air filters need to be replaced frequently to allow heating and cooling systems to operate properly.  If you plan to use humidifiers or space heaters, you’ll also want to clean and inspect them for safety. Also check and maintain your hot water heater.  
  • Check all window and door locks for proper operation.  All exterior doors should have deadbolt locks.
  • Check for adequate caulking around doors and windows to reduce heat loss.  This will also help reduce potential water damage to windows and door frames.  Make sure that there is adequate caulking around your bathroom fixtures to prevent water from seeping into the sub-flooring.  Check for cracked or missing caulk around the base of your toilet, bathtub and bathroom cabinets. Properly sealing gaps between your bathroom fixtures and flooring material can prevent potential damage.
  • Fix any leaky faucets and unclog any drains as needed.
  • Perform seasonal pest control to protect your home from critters that want to come into the warmth.

At All Things New Roofing & Restoration we want you to get the most out of your home and we are going to do our best to not only help you but teach you. 

"If you give a man a fish he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life."                                                               -Chinese Proverb